There are many ways of programming radio, but these basic models are helpful luggage in your PD, APD or MD backpack — no matter which format you program!

As a program director, assistant program director or music director, you can apply common (and also less common) radio programming strategies & tactics to win the ratings game. Even if you not use all of these principles, knowing they exist can expand your thinking, which may help you come up with your own creative solutions in competitive situations. This part covers the first 4 basics: horizontal vs. vertical, and defensive vs. offensive programming.



This article will give you ideas & insights on:

  • how to build listener tune-in habits
  • how to program specialist content & shows
  • how to combine horizontal & vertical programming
  • how to apply offensive programming to your advantage
  • how to keep defensive programming exciting enough
  • how to use multimedia impact for radio ratings
  • and much more (around 1,100 words)




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